In the case of thermal insulation of foundations, it is best to use IZOCHEM WLS for adhering EPS / XPS boards. When adhering EPS boards, you can also use the slightly cheaper IZOCHEM WLK.
When the average daily temperature is lower than 10 ° C, due to the faster setting time, we recommend using IZOCHEM KS polyurethane foam.
NOTE. Polyurethane foams should not be used in the presence of pressurized water.
In the case of thermal insulation of roofs / flat roofs, we recommend IZOCHEM RKS POLIGLUTEX for adhering EPS / XPS boards, or, alternatively, in periods of autumn cold weather, IZOCHEM KS polyurethane foam.
In principle all water-based bituminous products (IZOCHEM DYSPERBIT bit +, IZOCHEM WGA, IZOCHEM WLS, IZOCHEM WLK, IZOCHEM WMA, IZOCHEM WMA 2K) are safe in contact with polystyrene.
Moreover some solvent products, those with special de-aromatized solvents: IZOCHEM RKS POLIGLUTEX, IZOCHEM ROS REPERATOR are also safe in contact with polystyrene.
IZOCHEM APF 1K and IZOCHEM APF 2K sealing micro-mortars can be used on damp substrates. It is important that the first layer is rubbed thinly into the substrate with a hard brush.
IZOCHEM EG epoxy primer can be used even on a wet substrate.
A slightly damp substrate is also tolerated by IZOCHEM WGA and IZOCHEM DYSPERBIT bit + water-based bituminous primers, as well as by a quick-drying solvent primer (with special de-aromatized solvents) - IZOCHEM RGB express.
IZOCHEM ROS REPERATOR can also be applied on damp substrates.
Please see the Technical Data Sheet before the products mentioned above.
It depends on what aesthetic effect you want to achieve. If the covering is to be silver, we recommend IZOCHEM RFN SILVER - asphalt-aluminium insulating and decorative compound.
If you are interested in a different colour, we recommend IZOCHEM FND RENODACH, an roof paint available in the following colours: brick red, brown (RAL 8016), grey (RAL 7045), graphite (RAL 7024), white (RAL 9016).
Yes, we offer winter versions of water-based bituminous products. Winter versions of IZOCHEM DYSPERBIT bit + and IZOCHEM WMA 2K can be used at the temperature ≥ 0ºC and stored down to -5ºC.
PMBC compounds (German KMB: Kunststoffmodifizierte Bitumen-Dickbeschichtung) are polymer-modified thick-layer bituminous compounds. Acronym PMBC (Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing ) is used more often after the introduction of the EN 1504-2 Standard.
These are solvent-free, one- or two-component compounds used to make seamless waterproofing coatings of nearly any type, incl. foundations.
In the case of a balcony, if it is to be clad with ceramic cladding - use IZOCHEM APF 2K two-component waterproofing mortar directly under the tiles (total insulation thickness 2 mm).
We also offer a waterproofing surface made of IZOCHEM EM epoxy membrane on a ground primed with IZOCHEM EG, in three versions: smooth, with sand in the compound and with sand in the compound and sprinkled.
IZOCHEM EM is available in the following colours: grey (RAL 7040), graphite (RAL 7024).
In the case of finishing the terrace / balcony with a ceramic cladding, the thickness of the mineral waterproofing made of IZOCHEM APF 2K micro-sealing mortar should be 2 mm.
In the case of boards placed at distances, terrace boards, the thickness of the waterproofing should be at least 2.5 mm.
It is important to apply the proper coating in two working operations, changing the direction of application from north-south to north-west.
Yes, you can use the IZOCHEM EM epoxy membrane on a substrate primed with IZOCHEM EG on the existing ceramic cladding, as long as the tiles adhere well to the substrate and the joint is completed.
It is not necessary to sprinkle IZOCHEM RDK coating with roofing sprinkle, however it is recommended if you want to extend the lifespan of the renovation. The sprinkled coating is definitely more resistant to the aging effects of UV rays.
We recommend a flexible protective and decorative coating IZOCHEM FND RENODACH. The coating can be applied on roofing membrane, concrete and ceramic tiles, metal sheet, eternite, ondulin
IZOCHEM FND RENODACH is available in the following colours: brick red, brown (RAL 8016), grey (RAL 7045), dark grey (RAL 7024), white (RAL 9016).
It is not recommended to apply asphalt products on coatings made with tar. Most asphalt products are marked with "not to be used with tar products" because they react with it.
A product that does not react with tar is a foil for the roof: IZOCHEM FND RENODACH.
Let us remind you that rooms intended for permanent residence of people are those in which the same people stay longer than 4 hours a day.
All products from the polymer-mineral line can be safely used for this purpose: IZOCHEM APF, IZOCHEM APF 2K, IZOCHEM APF 1K, as well as epoxy: IZOCHEM EG, IZOCHEM EM, IZOCHEM EFU, IZOCHEM EKF, IZOCHEM EFP, IZOCHEM EFK.
Bituminous, water-based products (IZOCHEM DYSPERBIT bit +, IZOCHEM WGA, IZOCHEM WLS, IZOCHEM WLK, IZOCHEM WMA, IZOCHEM WMA 1K, IZOCHEM WMA 2K, IZOCHEM WMA 3K), can be used for the waterproofing of floors on the ground, under concrete underlay, pressure layer and finishing layers.
Waterproofing from the inside should be made with a product that has excellent adhesion to the substrate and that is also vapour-permeable (breathable).
These requirements are met by IZOCHEM APF 1K, a one-component sealing micro-mortar. The total thickness of the waterproofing should be 3 mm. The first layer should be rubbed firmly into the substrate with a hard bristle brush with. After drying, a coating resistant to negative water pressure is formed. We deal with such an impact when the water passes through the partition, “tearing off” the waterproofing from the proofed surface.
Wet rooms include: bathrooms, sanitary rooms, laundries and drying rooms, pool rooms, dishwashing rooms, etc. There are two zones distinguished in wet rooms: wet and damp. We recommend IZOCHEM APF and IZOCHEM LIQUID FOIL for the wet rooms.
You can use our waterproofing materials from the mineral-polymer series: IZOCHEM APF - a semi-liquid sealing mortar in wet rooms directly under the ceramic cladding and IZOCHEM APF 2K - a two-component sealing micro-mortar in all rooms.
It is best to use IZOCHEM EFP epoxy paint for floors. The paint is available in the following colours: grey (RAL 7040), graphite (RAL 7024), blue (RAL 5012), white (RAL 9016), other colours on request.
We recommend IZOCHEM ZP For removing greasy, oil stains from paving stones.